Heno roedd tîm pêl-dreod yr Urdd wedi cystadlu mewn cystadleaeth pump pob ochr yn Llangefni. Collasant y gêm gyntaf, yna dechreuodd y tîm ddod i arfer gyda'r gêm. Enillodd y tîm y bedair gêm nesaf.
Llongyfarchiadau iddynt am orffen yn ail yn y grwp. Da iawn chi hogia!
Tonight our Urdd football team were competing in a five a side tournament in Llangefni. After a nervous defeat in their first game, the boys started to get a feel for the rules. Their confidence grew stronger resulting in the team winning the next four games.
Congratulations to all the boys for finishing second in their group. Well done, you made the school proud!