Fun house visited the after school club on Monday 9th of November to give a show to the children to raise the issue of bullying. Everyone thoroughly enjoyed.
Dydd Llun Tachwedd y 9fed galwodd 'Fun House' i'r ysgol i roi sioe i blant y clwb. Syniad y sioe oedd codi ymwybyddiaeth y disgyblion i fwlio . Roedd pawb wedi mwynhau eu hunain.
Recently the club were also visited to promote healthy living. The children were given the opportunity to try many different fruits, rice and many other healthy foods.
Here you can see that everyone enjoyed this visit.
Yn ddiweddar daeth ymwelydd i'r clwb i hybu bwyta'n iach. Cafodd y disgyblion y cyfle i flasu nifer o wahanol ffrwythau, reis a llawer mwy o fwydydd iach. Fel y gwelwch roedd pawb wedi mwynhau.