27 Sept 2013

Dail yr Hydref / Autumn leaves

Yr wythnos hon cawsom stori am Oliver yr arth fach a gollodd ei ffordd wrth redeg ar ol deilen grin. Buom hefyd yn gwrando ar stori Percy the Park keeper a'r modd y chwythodd y gwynt yr hen goeden dderwen i lawr.  Cawsom hwyl yn chwilio am ddail allan ar yr iard gyda'r lythyren 'O' am Oliver arnynt a chawsom gyfle hefyd i baentio dail yn ogystal a ffurfio'r llythyren 'O' gyda clai, sialc a phaent.

This week we all enjoyed a story about Oliver the little bear who chases a yellow leaf to the edge of the woods and becomes lost. We also listened to the story about Percy the Park Keeper and how the wind blew down the old oak tree. We had fun out on the yard looking for leaves with the letter 'O' for Oliver on them, and we all enjoyed painting leaves as well as forming the letter 'O' with chalks, playdoh and paint.