30 Sept 2014

Sian Ritchings

Heddiw daeth Sian Ritchings atom i ddarllen storiau ac i godi ymwybyddiaeth o stereoteipio ar sail rhyw o fewn yr ysgol. Mwynhaodd pawb y straeon am ‘Red Rocket and Rainbow Jelly’ a ‘Super Daisy’.

Today Sian Ritchings came to the Nursery to raise awareness of gender stereotyping in schools. She did this through stories. We all enjoyed ‘Red Rocket and Rainbow Jelly’ and ‘Super Daisy’.Thank you Sian!

26 Sept 2014

Cylchoedd / Circles

Yr wythnos hon, rydym wedi bod yn dysgu am gylchoedd. Cawsom hwyl yn printio a thynnu lluniau o gylchoedd, matsio cylchoedd, gwneud cylchoedd gyda playdoh a mynd ar helfa gylch!

This week we have been learning about circles. We had lots of fun drawing and printing circles, making playdoh circles, matching circles and looking for hidden circles!

25 Sept 2014

Ein gwers gerddoriaeth gyntaf/Our first music lesson.

Rydym wedi cael ein gwers gerddoriaeth gyntaf yr wythnos yma. Roedd y plant wrth eu bodd yn cael y cyfle i chwarae offerynnau gwahanol. Cawsom lawer o hwyl yn dysgu cân newydd.

This week we've had our first music lesson. The children enjoyed playing different instruments. We also learnt a new song that we could play along to.

24 Sept 2014

Going on a bear hunt

Heddiw aeth plant y Feithrin i chwilio am yr arth! Buom yn cerdded ar hyd y llwybr cydbwyso, buom yn neidio i mewn i'r cylchoedd, drwy'r twnnel, dros y twb tywod, dros y gansen ac i mewn i'r ogof! Yn yr ogof roedd yna arth fach gyfeillgar iawn yn aros amdanom!

Today the Nursery children went on a bear hunt! We walked along the balancing track, jumped into hoops, through the tunnel, over the sandpit, over the jumps and into the bear cave! In the cave there was a very friendly bear waiting for us!

Off we go!
This is fun!
Now, where is that bear?
Ah, there he is - in the bear cave!
Four little ladies and a bear!

21 Sept 2014

Y Tri Arth / The Three Bears

Stori’r wythnos hon oedd Elen Benfelen a’r Tri Arth.  Ymysg y gweithgareddau cafodd y plant gyfle i dynnu llinellau o'r chwith i'r dde i ddangos y ffordd adref i’r tri arth, gwneud modelau o’r tri arth gyda clai, pysgota ac wedyn matsio'r tri arth, ond yr hwyl fwyaf a gawsant oedd gwneud uwd i’r tri arth. Mwynhaodd  yr eirth yr uwd yn fawr iawn!

This week’s story was Goldilocks and the Three Bears. The children enjoyed drawing lines from left to right to show the bears the way home, making bear models with playdoh, fishing and then matching the three bears,and best of all, making porridge for the bears. And if the empty bowls were anything to go by, they really enjoyed it!

Feeling the dry porridge

Mixing the porridge

Feeding the three bears

Fishing for Daddy Bear, Mummy Bear and Baby Bear

Matching the bears

17 Sept 2014

Pearl the Letter Fairy/Perl y Dylwythen Lythrennau

Wythnos yma cawsom ymweliad gan Perl y dylwythen lythrennau. Daeth Mrs Barnsley o hyd i’r lythyren ‘o’ yn y dosbarth. Roedd y plant wedi cynhyrfu wrth weld y ‘fairy dust’ yr oedd hi wedi ei adael ar ei hol. Rydym yn gobeithio cael llythyren newydd gan Perl yr wythnos nesaf.

This week in the reception class we had our second visit from Pearl the letter fairy. Nobody saw Pearl but Mrs Barnsley found a glittery letter ‘o’ in the wet area, there was lots of excitement that Pearl had made her second visit to our class, she also left behind lots of fairy dust. We hope she’ll return next week with another letter.

12 Sept 2014

Yr wythnos gyntaf / Our first week

Croeso mawr i'r deunaw o blant bach newydd sydd wedi cychwyn yn y Dosbarth Meithrin. Mae pob un wedi ymgartrefu yn arbennig o dda ac wedi mwynhau'r diwrnodau cyntaf. Teganau yw'r thema y tymor hwn a'r wythnos hon rydym wedi bod yn sgwrsio am ein tedis. Rydym wedi bod yn paentio a thynnu lluniau o'n tedis, gwneud matiau bwrdd gyda llun tedi arno, rydym wedi bod yn sortio tedis yn ol lliw ac wedi bod yn gosod tedis mewn trefn yn ol eu maint. Yn wir, mae wedi bod yn wythnos brysur dros ben!

.A warm welcome to all the new children who started in the Nursery Class last week. They are settling in well and have thoroughly enjoyed their first few days. This term's theme is 'Toys' and this week we have been talking about teddies. We have drawn and painted pictures of our teddies, made place-mats with pictures of teddies on them, we have sorted teddies into sets and we've also put teddies in order according to size. It certainly has been a busy week!

Our new place-mats

Putting teddies in order according to size

Colouring teddies

Say cheese!

Painting a teddy

Sorting teddies into sets
Meeting Take Home Ted

Digging for teddies

8 Sept 2014

Croeso yn ol / Welcome back

Croeso'n ol i bawb ar ol gwyliau'r Haf a chroeso arbennig i'r plant bach newydd a gychwynodd yn y Dosbarth Meithrin . Croeso hefyd i bedwar athro newydd sef Miss Sarah Hughes i Ddosbarth 3, Mrs Sian Griffith i Ddosbarth 4, Miss Carla Roberts i Ddosbarth 1 ac hefyd Mr Jon Snowden. Rwy'n siwr y byddant yn hapus iawn yma yn Ysgol y Tywyn!

Welcome back everyone after the Summer holiday.and a very warm welcome to all the new little children who started in the Nursery Class. We would also like to welcome four new teachers -Miss Carla Roberts to Class 1, Miss Sarah Hughes to Class 3, Mrs Sian Griffiths to Class 4 and also Mr Jon Snowden. We know they will be very happy with us at Ysgol y Tywyn!