17 Nov 2014

Children in Need / Plant mewn Angen

Heddiw, a hithau'n ddiwrnod Plant mewn Angen, daeth y plant i'r ysgol mewn amrywiaeth o wahanol wisgoedd. Roedd pawb yn talu am y fraint o gael gwisgo eu dillad eu hunain ac ar ddiwedd y dydd roedd y swm anrhydeddus o £259 wedi ei gasglu! Bydd y cyfan yn mynd i gronfa'r Plant Mewn Angen. Diolch yn fawr iawn i chi am eich cyfraniadau.

With today being Children in Need Day, the children came to school in a variety of costumes!  They paid  for the 'privilege' of wearing their own clothes, and at the end of the day the school managed to raise £259! All money donated will go towards the Children in Need charity.Thank you all very much for your support


14 Nov 2014

Plant Mewn Angen / Children in Need

A hithau'n ddiwrnod Plant Mewn Angen, bu'n fore llawn hwyl yn y Feithrin. Daeth pawb i'r ysgol mewn gwisgoedd amrywiol a chawsom gyfle i baentio llun o Pudsey a Blush. Diolch i bawb am eu cyfraniad.

This morning the Nursery children had lots of fun raising money for 'Children in Need'. We came to school wearing our own clothes and we all painted a picture of Pudsey and Blush. Thank you all very much for your generosity.

8 Nov 2014

Noson Tan Gwyllt / Bonfire Night

Rydym wedi bod yn dathlu Noson Tan Gwyllt yn y Feithrin yr wythnos hon. Mwynhaodd pawb y stori am Charlie Dragon, a chawsom gyfle i adeiladu a lliwio rocedi, paentio lluniau lliwgar, dawnsio a gwrando ar y Music for the Royal Fireworks gan Handel!!

This week we have been celebrating Bonfire Night. We all enjoyed the story about Charlie the lazy dragon who woke up just in time to light the bonfire! We built rockets, painted pictures, danced and we also listened to Handel's Music for the Royal Fireworks!!