30 Sept 2013

Cyngor Ysgol / School Council

Dyma ein cynrychiolwyr newydd i'r cyngor ysgol.

Here are our new school council representatives.

27 Sept 2013

Dail yr Hydref / Autumn leaves

Yr wythnos hon cawsom stori am Oliver yr arth fach a gollodd ei ffordd wrth redeg ar ol deilen grin. Buom hefyd yn gwrando ar stori Percy the Park keeper a'r modd y chwythodd y gwynt yr hen goeden dderwen i lawr.  Cawsom hwyl yn chwilio am ddail allan ar yr iard gyda'r lythyren 'O' am Oliver arnynt a chawsom gyfle hefyd i baentio dail yn ogystal a ffurfio'r llythyren 'O' gyda clai, sialc a phaent.

This week we all enjoyed a story about Oliver the little bear who chases a yellow leaf to the edge of the woods and becomes lost. We also listened to the story about Percy the Park Keeper and how the wind blew down the old oak tree. We had fun out on the yard looking for leaves with the letter 'O' for Oliver on them, and we all enjoyed painting leaves as well as forming the letter 'O' with chalks, playdoh and paint. 

20 Sept 2013

Growing potatoes/Tyfu Tatws

Class 2 
We have been growing potatoes!

Dosbarth 2
Rydym ni wedi bod yn tyfu tatws!

Cymyran Beach/Traeth Cymyran

Today, Class 2 visited Cymyran Beach as part of our project work on keeping safe and healthy.
We were accompanied by Ben Stammers, Tom and Nia from The North Wales Wildlife Trust.
We found lots of different shells and feathers on the beach and collected quite a few of them.
We watched the tide rushing in and saw the sand disappear very quickly.
We saw Chinooks, Sea Kings and Griffins; oh and one or two Hawks.
The weather was much warmer than expected and we regretted wearing so many clothes.
On the way back we picked blackberries and jumped in puddles.
We had a good time!

Heddiw, fel rhan o’r thema ar gadw’n iach a diogel, ymwelodd Dosbarth 2 â Thraeth Cymyran. Cawsom gwmni Ben Stammers a Tom  a Nia o  Ymddiriedolaeth Bywyd Gwyllt Gogledd Cymru. Cawsom hyd i nifer o wahanol gregyn a phlu ar y traeth. Gwelsom Chinooks, SeaKings a Griffins ac hefyd ambell i Hawk. Roedd y tywydd yn  brafiach na’r disgwyl ac roeddem yn dyfaru gwisgo dillad mor gynnes. Ar y ffordd yn ol i’r ysgol bu pawb yn casglu mwyar duon a chawsom hwyl yn neidio i mewn i’r pyllau dwr. Bu’n fore difyr iawn!

19 Sept 2013

Cylchoedd / Circles

Yr wythnos hon, rydym wedi bod yn dysgu am gylchoedd. Cawsom hwyl yn printio, matsio, cloddio am gylchoedd a mynd ar helfa gylch!

This week we have been learning about circles. We had lots of fun printing, matching, digging for circles and going on a circle hunt!


13 Sept 2013

Hugan Goch Fach / Little Red Riding Hood

Thema'r Dosbarth Meithrin y tymor hwn yw 'Lliwiau'. Yr wythnos hon mwynhaodd pawb y stori am Yr Hugan Goch Fach. Buom yn ail-adrodd y stori drwy gyfrwng pypedau, gwnaethom fasgedi arbennig yn llawn danteithion a dangosom i'r Hugan Goch Fach y ffordd i dy Nain.

The theme for this term is 'Colours'. This week the Nursery children have
all enjoyed the story about the Little Red Riding Hood. We retold the story using puppets, we made 'caring' baskets and we showed the Little Red Riding Hood the way to Grandmother's house

12 Sept 2013

Croeso'n ol / Welcome back.

Croeso'n ol i bawb ar ol gwyliau'r Haf a chroeso arbennig i'r plant bach newydd a gychwynodd yn y Dosbarth Meithrin heddiw. Mwynhaodd pob un ei ddiwrnod cyntaf yn fawr iawn!

A warm welcome to all the new children who started in the Nursery Class today. They thoroughly enjoyed their first day! Welcome back to everyone after the Summer holiday.