Last night we had a Halloween disco at school. Lots of people came in their dressing up clothes. It was great fun. We raised £358 for our school fund.
Diolch yn fawr i bawb a ddaeth i gefnogi'r Disgo Calan Gaeaf. Cafwyd noson ddifyr a mwynhaodd pawb y dawnsio, y paentio wynebau, y cwn poeth a'r melysion! Gwnaed elw o £358. Llawer o ddiolch unwaith eto am eich cefnogaeth.
Yr wythnos hon rydym wedi bod yn dysgu am rhif 1. Rydym wedi dysgu sut i ffurfio'r rhif yn gywir ac hefyd adnabod y rhif drwy amrywiaeth o gemau a gweithgareddau.
This week we've been learning about number 1. We have learnt how to correctly form the number and recognise the number through games and activities.
Sian Richings from 'Chwarae Teg' did a team building activity with us. Using household waste such as cereal boxes and plastic containers we built 'Rubbish Robots'.
Doeth Sian Richings o 'Chwarae Teg' atom i wneud gweithgaredd cyd-weithio fel tim. Gan ddefnyddio gwastraff o'r cartref aethom ati i adeiladu robot ail-gylchu.
Fore Mercher yn neuadd yr ysgol cafwyd Gwasanaeth Diolchgarwch y Feithrin a'r Dragonflies.Roedd y plant bach ar eu gorau yn diolch i Dduw ar gan am y pethau sy'n eu gwneud yn hapus!
On Wednesday morning in the school hall the Nursery children and Dragonflies took part in their annual Thanksgiving Service. The children were in fine voice and thanked God for all the things which make them happy.
Heddiw daeth Hefina Griffith a Delyth y Ddraig i ddiddanu plant y Cyfnod Sylfaen. Dywedodd Hefina wrth y plant fod ei ffrind Y Tywysog Slywarp yn casau cerddoriaeth o bob math, a gyda help ei ffon hud mae am wneud i bawb anghofio cerddoriaeth am byth. Ond gyda Hefina a Delyth yn eu helpu llwyddodd y plant i achub cerddoriaeth drwy arbrofi gyda gwahanol offerynnau a chreu gwahanol synau! Diolch Hefina a Delyth am fore difyr dros ben!
Today Hefina Griffith and Delyth the Dragon came to entertain the Foundation Stage children! Hefina told the children about her friend Prince Slywarp. He didn't like music and wanted to cast a spell so that everyone forgot music forever! But with Delyth and Hefina helping the children, they managed to save music by exploring different types of sounds. They had lots of fun trying out unusual musical instruments! Thank you Hefina and Delyth for a fun filled morning!