Mercher cawsom ein parti Nadolig blynyddol. Yn dilyn llond bol o ginio Nadolig
bendigedig, cawsom ddawnsio a chwarae gemau. Yna cafodd y plant gyfle i ddangos
eu talentau wrth i ni fwynhau ‘Tywyn’s Got Talent’! Roedd amrywiaeth o eitemau yn
cynnwys dawnsio, canu, eitemau offerynnol, dweud jôcs a champau pel droed. Diolch blant am brynhawn difyr tros ben! Yn
sicr mae gan Tywyn dalent!
Wednesday afternoon we had our annual Christmas party. After enjoying an
excellent Christmas lunch we danced and played games. Then all the children had
the opportunity to take part in ‘Tywyn’s Got Talent’. We enjoyed a variety of items
including singing, dancing, instrumental items, impressions, joke telling as
well as a display of great football skills. Thank you children for a very
enjoyable afternoon. Tywyn has definitely got talent!