27 Nov 2013

Victorian Washing Day

Class 1 have been discussing a washing day before we had electricity. We decided that it was really hard work!!!

Mae Dosbarth 1 wedi bod yn trafod sut oedd gwragedd yn golchi cyn dyfodiad trydan. Yr ydym wedi penderfynu ei fod yn waith caled iawn!!!

26 Nov 2013

Food Safety / Hylendid bwyd

Last week we were visited by the Food Standards Agency, thankfully it was to promote the importance of Food Safety.  We were informed how Food Poisoning is an illness caused by eating food contaminated by bacteria.  We learnt the the 4 C rule. Cross Contamination ( Always avoid), Cleaning everything, Chilling to below 5 degrees and Cooking until food is hot right the way through with juices running clear.  
If we follow these simple rules we can reduce the risk of food poisoning.
Thank you to the team for the fantastic show and class workshops.

Yr wythnos ddiwethaf daeth tri aelod hwyliog o Asiantaeth Safonau Bwyd i'r ysgol i hyrwyddo hylendid bwyd. Dysgasom fod bwyta bwyd wedi ei lygru gyda bacteria yn achosi gwenwyn bwyd. Dysgasom hefyd am reolau'r  4C sef 'Cross contamination' 'Cleaning,' 'Chilling, a 'Cooking'. Pe dilynwn y cyfarwyddyd hwn, fe fyddwn yn lleihau'r risg o wenwyn bwyd. Diolch o galon i'r tim am sioe wych ac am y gweithdai diddorol.

21 Nov 2013

Handa's Surprise

This week we all enjoyed the story about Handa the little girl from Kenya who takes a basket of fruit to her friend Akeyo. But as she walks, carrying the basket on her head, various creatures steal her fruit. Here we are sampling some of the fruit from Handa's basket - mangoes, pineapples, passion fruit, bananas and oranges.

Yr wythnos hon mwynhaodd pawb y stori am Handa, yr eneth fach o Kenya a aeth a basgedaid o ffrwythau i'w ffrind Akeyo. Ond wrth iddi gerdded, a'r fasged ar ei phen mae amrywiaeth o greaduriaid yn dwyn y ffrwythau. Dyma ni yn blasu rhai o'r ffrwythau o fasged Handa - mangos, 'passion fruit', pinafalau, bananas ac orennau. 

19 Nov 2013

Circuit Training with a twist

On Friday, children in class 4 were invited to the RAF Gym to give a circuit training session to RAF staff.  In the morning the children took part in their own circuits so they could get the idea of what it involved. Later the children designed their own circuits using various gym equipment.  
During the lunch hour, RAF staff arrived and were donating money to Children in Need for the privilege of taking part in the circuit training.

As you can see from the images below, the children had designed some very hard circuits and sweat was gushing from some people.
Thank you to the staff at the gym for your hard work and your kindness in donating to Children in Need.

Dydd Gwener diwethaf cafodd plant Dosbarth 4 wahoddiad i gampfa newydd yr awyrlu i roddi hyfforddiant cylchol i rai o'r staff. Yn y bore cafwyd cyfle i ymarfer ac yna cawsant gyfle i gynllunio eu hymarferiad eu hunain yn defnyddio offer y gampfa. Yn ystod yr awr ginio ymunodd staff yr awyrlu a'r plant gan gyfrannu at gronfa y Plant Mewn Angen fel tal am yr hyfforddiant. Fel y gwelwch o'r lluniau roedd y plant wedi cynllunio ymarferiad heriol! Diolch yn fawr i'r staff am gymryd rhan yn yr hwyl ac am eu cyfraniadau hael.  

15 Nov 2013

Plant Mewn Angen/Children in Need

Heddiw, a hithau'n ddiwrnod Plant mewn Angen, daeth y plant i'r ysgol mewn amrywiaeth o wahanol wisgoedd. Roedd pawb yn talu am y fraint o gael gwisgo eu dillad eu hunain ac ar ddiwedd y dydd roedd y swm anrhydeddus o £250 wedi ei gasglu! Bydd y cyfan yn mynd i gronfa'r Plant Mewn Angen. Diolch yn fawr iawn i chi am eich cyfraniadau.

With today being Children in Need Day, the children came to school in a variety of costumes!  They paid  for the 'privilege' of wearing their own clothes, and at the end of the day the school managed to raise £250! All money donated will go towards the Children in Need charity. Thank you all very much for your support.

13 Nov 2013

Melin Llynnon

Today Class 4 visited Melin Llynnon to learn more about the way the Celts used to live.  We saw inside the round houses and we were taught lots of fascinating facts.  Thank you very much to Lloyd for his tour and sharing his depth of knowledge with us.We all thoroughly enjoyed the visit.

Heddiw ymwelodd Dosbarth 4 a Melin Llynnon lle cafodd y plant ddysgu am ffordd y Celtiaid o fyw. Cawsant weld y tu mewn i'r tai crynion a'r tan yn y canol ar gyfer coginio a chynhesu'r ty. Llawer o ddiolch i Lloyd am sgwrs ddiddorol. Fe ddysgodd bawb lawer ganddo. Bu'n fore hynod ddifyr a diddorol dros ben!

Kevin's Bullying Show

Yesterday Mark Griffiths visited the school with Kevin and his friends. The message was clear - We are all special in our own way and we should accept others for how they are.

Ddoe daeth Mark Griffiths a Kevin y pyped i'r ysgol. Roedd eu neges yn glir - rydym i gyd yn wahanol ac yn arbennig iawn ac fe ddylem dderbyn pawb am bwy ydynt. 

7 Nov 2013

Noson Tan Gwyllt / Bonfire Night

Rydym wedi bod yn dathlu Noson Tan Gwyllt yn y Feithrin yr wythnos hon. Mwynhaodd pawb y stori am Charlie Dragon, a chawsom gyfle i adeiladu a lliwio rocedi, paentio lluniau lliwgar a gwrando ar y Music for the Royal Fireworks gan Handel!!

This week we have been celebrating Bonfire Night in the Nursery. We all enjoyed the story about Charlie the lazy dragon who woke up just in time to light the bonfire! We built rockets, painted pictures and we also listened to Handel's Music for the Royal Fireworks!!

5 Nov 2013

Gwersi Beicio / Bike Training

Dyma rai o ddisgyblion dosbarth 4 yn cael gwersi beicio.

Here are some children from class 4 having their bike proficiency lesson.