26 Nov 2015

Unwaith eto eleni, bu'r ymateb i'r ymgyrch 'Nadolig Mewn Bocs Sgidiau'  yn arbennig o dda. Llawer o ddiolch i'r plant hynny a fu'n brysur yn llenwi bocsys esgidiau gyda teganau, pensiliau, creonau, sebonau, dillad ayb. Bydd eich caredigrwydd chi yn fodd i godi calon sawl plentyn bach anghenus y Nadolig hwn.

Once again this year, the response to 'Operation Christmas Child' has been very good. A big thank you to all the children who filled shoe boxes with toys, pencils, crayons, soaps, clothes etc. Your act of kindness will help put a smile on the saddest faces this Christmas.

24 Nov 2015

Tudor Galleons - Llongau Tuduriaid

O'r diwedd maent wedi gorffen! Rydym wedi mwynhau dysgu am, ac adeiladu'r llongau!
At last they are complete! We have thoroughly enjoyed learning about, and constructing Tudor Galleons!

Plant mewn Angen - Children in Need

Ymweliad arbennig gan Elmo a'r Cookie Monster!
A special visit from Elmo and the Cookie Monster!

Techniquest - Electricity/ Trydan

Daeth Mr Evans o Techniquest i ddysgu plant Dosbarth 4 am Trydan. Naethom fwynhau dysgu am trydan statig, a creu cylched trydan.
Mr Evans from Techniquest came to teach Class 4 about Electricity. We thoroughly enjoyed learning about, and creating static electricity and circuits! 

15 Nov 2015

Children in Need

On Friday morning Class 1 were raising money for Children in Need. We came to school dressed as Superheroes and had fun painting pictures of Pudsey. Thank you all for your generosity.

Bore Dydd Gwener daeth pawb i’r ysgol mewn gwisgoedd amrywiol a chawsom gyfle i baentio llun o Pudsey. Diolch i bawb am eu cyfraniad.

Penrhos Nature Reserve

On Wednesday Class 1 went on a trip to Penrhos Nature Reserve. We went on a walk to collect leaves and whilst we were there we saw the Gruffalo's house. Pearl also left us another letter, we found it hidden amongst the trees. Before we returned to school we came across a fairy door, we think we may have found where Pearl lives.

Yr wythnos hon mae Dosbarth 1 wedi bod ar drip i Benrhos. Cawsom hwyl yn hel dail ac yn cerdded drwy'r goedwig.

13 Nov 2015

Plant Mewn Angen / Children in Need

A hithau'n ddiwrnod Plant Mewn Angen, bu'n fore llawn hwyl yn y Feithrin. Daeth pawb i'r ysgol mewn gwisgoedd amrywiol a chawsom gyfle i liwio llun o Pudsey a Blush. Diolch i bawb am eu cyfraniad.

This morning the Nursery children had lots of fun raising money for 'Children in Need'. We came to school wearing our own clothes and we all coloured a picture of Pudsey and Blush. Thank you all very much for your generosity.

12 Nov 2015

Pobi bara - Baking bread

Mae Dosbarth 4 wedi bod yn pobi bara efo Adam o Caterlink. Roedd ogla hyfryd yn dod o'r neuadd!
Class 4 have been baking bread with Adam from Caterlink. There was a lovely smell coming from the hall!

Rhif 1 / Number 1

Yr wythnos hon rydym wedi bod yn dysgu am rhif 1. Rydym wedi dysgu sut i ffurfio'r rhif yn gywir ac hefyd adnabod y rhif drwy amrywiaeth o gemau a gweithgareddau.

This week we've been learning about number 1. We have learnt how to correctly form the number and  recognise the number through games and activities.

6 Nov 2015

Noson Tan Gwyllt/ Bonfire Night.

This week we have been celebrating Bonfire Night. We have had fun building rockets and painting pictures.

Yr wythnos hon rydym wedi cael hwyl yn dathlu Noson Tan Gwyllt.

5 Nov 2015

Noson Tan Gwyllt / Bonfire Night

Rydym wedi bod yn dathlu Noson Tan Gwyllt yn y Feithrin yr wythnos hon. Mwynhaodd pawb y stori am Charlie Dragon, a chawsom gyfle i adeiladu a lliwio rocedi, paentio lluniau lliwgar, dawnsio a gwrando ar y Music for the Royal Fireworks gan Handel!!

This week we have been celebrating Bonfire Night. We all enjoyed the story about Charlie the lazy dragon who woke up just in time to light the bonfire! We built rockets, painted pictures, danced and we also listened to Handel's Music for the Royal Fireworks!!

A party for Charlie Dragon


Building rockets

What do you think of my rocket?

Another rocket!

A firework dance!