26 Nov 2015

Unwaith eto eleni, bu'r ymateb i'r ymgyrch 'Nadolig Mewn Bocs Sgidiau'  yn arbennig o dda. Llawer o ddiolch i'r plant hynny a fu'n brysur yn llenwi bocsys esgidiau gyda teganau, pensiliau, creonau, sebonau, dillad ayb. Bydd eich caredigrwydd chi yn fodd i godi calon sawl plentyn bach anghenus y Nadolig hwn.

Once again this year, the response to 'Operation Christmas Child' has been very good. A big thank you to all the children who filled shoe boxes with toys, pencils, crayons, soaps, clothes etc. Your act of kindness will help put a smile on the saddest faces this Christmas.