16 Jun 2010

Class de Mer

Year 6 were very fortunate again this week with the weather, when they visited Plas Menai for their day 3 trip. Once everybody were kitted out, they set off down the Menai to Beaumaris. Once there, everyone ate their lunch admiring the wonderful view. Later, everyone walked to the Castle where we worked on some orienteering activities. On our way back to the boats we were very lucky to have a tour around the new lifeboat.

Unfortunately the day did have to come to an end, everyone jumped back onto the ribs and headed home towards Plas Menai. Everyone is excited and looking forward to day 4!

Unwaith eto bu plant Blwyddyn 5 a 6 yn ffodus gyda'r tywydd pan ymwelodd y dosbarth a Phlas Menai am y trydydd tro. Roedd pawb wedi eu gwisgo'n addas ar gyfer y daith ar y Fenai i Fiwmares. Wedi cyrraedd mwynhaodd pawb eu cinio tra'n edmygu'r olygfa. Yn dilyn hyn cerddodd pawb at y castell i gymryd rhan mewn gweithgareddau cyfeiriannu . Cyn dychwelyd at y cychod cawsom gyfle i weld y bad achub newydd.

Mae pawb yn awr yn edrych ymlaen am y bedwaredd wers.