5 Jul 2010

Sports Day / Mabolgampau

We were very lucky with the weather this year when it came to our sports day. We managed the first half on the Monday and the second half on Tuesday. It was a great afternoon with all the children taking part and having fun. Well done everyone. We would also like to say well done to all the mums and dads that competed in their race. You ALL made your children proud.

Roeddem yn ffodus iawn gyda'r tywydd y flwyddyn hon pan ddaeth yn ddiwrnod Mabolgampau. Llwyddasom i gynnal yr hanner cyntaf brynhawn Llun a'r ail hanner brynhawn Mawrth. Roedd y cyfan yn fendigedig a'r plant i gyd ar eu gorau. Da iawn hefyd i'r mamau a'r tadau hynny a fu'n ddigon dewr i redeg. Roedd eich plant yn falch iawn ohonoch!