18 Oct 2010

Class de Mer

Once again Year 6 are taking part in the Class de Mer project. The children set off from Plas Menai in Rib speed boats and headed towards Beaumaris, stopping along the way to learn many different facts about the straits. Later they visited the Castle for lunch and there they enjoyed the afternoon exploring it's fascinating history. Before returning home they explored the wildlife on Puffin Island. Everybody thoroughly enjoyed the day.
Unwaith eto eleni, mae disgyblion Blwyddyn 6 yn cymryd rhan ym mhrosiect y 'Class de Mer'. Fore Gwener cychwynodd y plant o Blas Menai mewn cwch cyflym gan wneud eu ffordd i gyfeiriad Biwmares. Yn ystod y daith dysgodd y plant lawer o ffeithiau diddorol am y Fenai. Wedi cyrraedd Biwmares, cafodd pawb bicnic yn y castell. Cyn dychwelyd adref cawsant gyfle i fwynhau bywyd gwyllt Ynys Seiriol. Bu'n ddiwrnod hynod ddifyr a diddorol dros ben.