27 Jan 2011

Internet Safety / Diogelwch y We

As part of our p.s.e lesson in year 5 & 6, we have started to raise awareness of the dangers associated with the Internet. Even though it is a very powerful and helpful tool, we must ensure that we educate our children on the importance of being SAFE!
Here is an Internet Web site for you to explore and learn more. Click on the image below.

Fel rhan o wersi A.B.CH ym mlwyddyn 5 & 6, rydym wedi cychwyn ar godi ymwybyddiaeth o'r holl beryglon y we. Mae'r we yn offeryn pwerus a diddorol, mae rhaid sicrhau ein bod yn addysgu ein disgyblion am bwysigrwydd bod yn DDIOGEL! Cliciwch ar y llun uchod i ddarganfod mwy am sut i helpu eich plant.