11 Jul 2011

Year 3&4 at Cemlyn Blwyddyn 3&4

Here two children describing their day out in Cemlyn.

On Wednesday we went on two trips one to Cemlyn nature reserve and then to Penrhos. At Cemlyn we went down to the beach and we did some rock pooling. We found a live fish entwined in old fishing tackle under some seaweed. Ben saved it and put it back in the sea. We caught a lot of bugs, crabs, shrimps and a rock Gobi. We were lucky to see a rock ling under some rocks. There were lots of barnacles on the rocks and a few sea anemones. The one I liked best was the snake locks anemone. Ben showed us some sea kale and birds collecting fish for their chicks, they were very noisy. On the shingle ridge there were lots of smooth rocks and one was shaped like a chair. The sand was very damp so we had to keep moving or we would get stuck. It started raining but I didn’t notice. Lots of people caught some crabs some people caught four! We found lots of things like crab claws and we were allowed to pick up rocks and take them home. There was lots of seaweed everywhere. At Penrhos we found a type of flowers and they smelt very nice and we found a type of fungi as well. There were some blackberry bushes and when we went to the lake we found a bird with a very long neck (it wasn’t a swan) it was a heron. There were lots of ducks as well and a bird with some chicks it was very cute. There were lots of trees and big bushes. I found out the names of lots of trees, then we had to go home.

Dydd Mercher Mehefin yr 8 fed 2011 aeth blwyddyn 3 a 4 i ymweld a Cemlyn a Penrhos. Roedd Ben a Lowri yn mynd a ni o gwmpas ac yn ein dysgu am y gwahanol gynefinoedd. Fy hoff beth oedd y pyllau creigiog a’r crancod. Wnes i ddim dal dim byd ond roeddwn wedi mwynhau gweld yr adar yn nythu ar yr ynys yn y lagwn.Wrth edrych drwy deliscop mawr gallwn weld cywion bach yn y nythod a’i rhieni yn cario bwyd iddynt. Dywedodd Ben fod dros 1000 o nythod ar yr ynys .Hoffais gerdded drwy y goedwig yn Penrhos a gweld y creyr glas yn dal a bwyta pysgodyn. Mwynhaeais y trip yn fawr iawn.