25 Mar 2012

Ymweld a Sartu

Cafodd plant Cyfnod Allweddol 1 fore difyr iawn ganol Mawrth pan aeth llond bws ohonynt i lawr i’r Uned Hyfforddiant Chwilio ac Achub. Treuliodd y disgyblion y bore yn dysgu am waith y peilotiaid a chyn dychwelyd i’r ysgol cafodd pob un gyfle i eistedd mewn hofrennydd. Profiad cyffrous yn wir!

Children from the foundation phase had a very interesting morning this month, when a bus full were invited to visit- Search and Rescue Training Unit. The children learnt about the very difficult and important work that is carried out here every day. The highlight of the morning was when each child was given the opportunity to sit in the helicopter.