17 Oct 2013

Gwasanaeth Diolchgarwch Y Feithrin a'r Dragonflies/ Nursery and Dragonflies Thanksgiving Celebration

Gwasanaeth Diolchgarwch y Feithrin a'r Dragonflies
Coch a melyn, pinc a gwyrdd, oren a phorffor a glas! Roedd neuadd yr ysgol yn llawn lliw a phlant bach Y Feithrin a'r Dragonflies ar eu gorau yn canu am y byd a'i liwiau.

Nursery and Dragonflies Thanksgiving Celebration
Red and yellow, pink and green, orange and purple and blue! The school hall was full of colour and the Nursery children and Dragonflies in fine voice giving thanks for the world and its wonderful colours.

The Nursery children with their scarves!