15 Feb 2017

Siarter Iaith Gymraeg / Welsh Language Charter

Mae Ysgol y Tywyn wedi ymrwymo I’r Siarter Iaith. Nod syml y Siarter yw codi ymwybyddiaeth o’r Iaith Gymraeg a diwylliant Cymru. Ddoe mewn seremoni yng Ngwesty Tre Ysgawen cyflwynwyd y Wobr Efydd i’r ysgol am ei hymdrech arbennig . Yno i dderbyn y wobr ar ran yr ysgol yr oedd dau ddisgybl o Blwyddyn 6. Llongyfarchiadau gwresog Ysgol y Tywyn!

Ysgol y Tywyn is commited to the Welsh Language Charter.  The overall objective of the Welsh Language Charter is to raise awareness of the language and the culture of Wales. Yesterday in a ceremony held at Tre Ysgawen Hotel the school was awarded the Bronze Award for its efforts. There to receive the award on behalf of the school were two pupils from Year 6. Congratulations Ysgol y Tywyn!